After the amazing success of Jurassic World, Universal Pictures confirmed Thursday that a sequel is in production. The original movies stars, Chriss Pratt, and Bryce Dallas Howard will also return. The fil is set to open in theatres on June 22, 2018.
While the original stars have been confirmed there has been no confirmation whether the directory Collin Trevorrow will also come back to direct. His name was not mentioned in the announcements and he has talked about not wanting to take the reigns another film like this.
There is confirmation though that Trevorrow will be writing the scripts for the new Jurassic World.
Jurassic World opened early June and has made more worldwide than The Avengers. It has grossed about $1.52 billion worldwide making it the third largest film of all time behind only Avatar and Titanic.
In case you have not seen the Jurassic World trailer.