Smite is an enchantment in Minecraft, that is a bit complicated at first as its less straightforward...[Read More]
Today, I received an interesting question regarding Bamboo and whether or not it needs light to grow...[Read More]
Stone bricks are great for medieval-style builds or you’re looking to just make use of more St...[Read More]
Smooth Stone is a popular choice among users when designing their bases in Minecraft. It is great fo...[Read More]
Capcom has officially announced that Zinogre will be returning in Monster Hunter World via the above...[Read More]
Minecraft is one of our favorite games and a furnace is an integral part of progressing in the game....[Read More]
Snow Golems are a unique type of utility mob in Minecraft. They offer virtually no combat ability (o...[Read More]
As has been reported on by other outlets Fortnite: Battle Royale had an event earlier today Saturday...[Read More]
Minecraft is like a game no other, the game was built for creative minds. Minecraft can become the u...[Read More]
Slimes are an incredibly useful mob in Minecraft if you can find them. You can use them to make item...[Read More]
Minecraft 1.14 is quickly becoming one of my favorite patches. That being said, village raids are st...[Read More]
Minecraft I love it, PewDiePie seems to be playing it again, and it’s just fun. However, Horse...[Read More]
Pokemon Go’s extraordinary raid week is set to end on May 28th. This means you only have a few...[Read More]
Overwatch is adding a new replay feature, that is currently on the Public Test Realm (PTR). The new ...[Read More]
Republican US Senator Josh Hawley yesterday (May 23rd, 2019) released the full text of his bill targ...[Read More]