Earlier this month Sony released the long awaited 5.0 update for the PlayStation 4 console. This added new features and functionality to the console. This patch however, is a minor release but it does...
Valve’s Steam Link has gone on sale today and has its lowest retail price ever and the Steam Summer Sale has kicked off today. It’s going for $15 on Steam its self which is $35 less than t...
Niantic developer of Pokemon Go has taken a hard-line stand against cheating in its popular AR app. The company has now pushed out a new counter measure that is going to curve cheating in its game. In...
An official list of every company that will exhibit at E3 2017 has been released. In terms of the number of companies quite long. Among the companies attending we have Sega, Activision, Sony, Nintendo...
After a very successful kick starter in 2014, that raised more than $115,000 and after years in early access (or beta access), Hover: Revolt Of Gamers, has finally become available on PC, Mac, and Lin...
Experience the thrills of a fast-paced single and multiplayer Parkour game. Join the Rebellion and deride the security forces of an anti-leisure tyranny. Rise up to the many challenges of a futuristic...
Minecraft released the 1.1 update today for Pocket and Windows 10 versions of the game, dubbing it the Discovery Update. The game has new features, places to explore, and new treasures. Some of the no...
Bethesda.net is no longer the only way to play Elder Scrolls Legends. The massive RPG and strategy card game has launched Elder Scrolls Legends on Steam and Android tablets. Bethesda also introduced a...