Pokemon Go has a new community Day the second one since the game’s launch! The real-world event takes place today (2/24/2018) and will give players around the world bonuses, and the ability to obtain rare pokemon with a special move.
Unlike previous events this Pokemon Go event takes place worldwide and now works on a set window of time. In the US, the Community Day kicks off at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET and runs until 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET, while Europe’s event begins at 10 AM GMT and concludes at 1 PM GMT.
During the hours in your region, players will receive triple the normal amount of Stardust for any pokemon that is captured, and all Lure Modules will now last for three hours. In addition to that, each Community Day features a rare Pokemon which will spawn in an annoyingly high frequency. Meaning, this rare Pokemon will be more common than the average Pidgey!
This time around the Pokemon Go Team has selected the Dragon-type Dratini. During the hours of Community Day, you will essentially only see these little ones everywhere. The good news is that if you catch enough of them and evolve them into Dragonite the pokemon will know Draco Meteor. Now, if you previously have caught Dratini’s and get enough and choose to evolve one of your previous ones it will also learn Draco Meteor the catch is though that you need to evolve it during your event hours or else it won’t learn the move.
In addition to this month’s Community Day, players still have an opportunity to capture Pokemon Go’s latest Legendary Pokemon, Rayquaza. The powerful Gen 3 Dragon-type will appear in Raid Battles at Gyms until March 16. Rayquaza arrived earlier this month alongside a new batch of Gen 3 Pokemon, which also included Salamence, Metagross, and Altaria. In addition to Rayquaza, players also have another chance to catch Kyogre and Groudon as part of Pokemon Go Legendary Week, which is underway now.