Star Wars Battlefront has had an interesting release pattern. The latest expansion pack “Outer Rim” was launched as an exclusive to those who purchased the Season Pass. This rule allows those who purchased the pass to get any and all expansions two weeks before the rest of the player base (who keep in mind also have to pay).
The expansion which will cost $15 adds four new multiplayer maps (Jabba’s Palace, Palace Garga, SororSuub Refinery, and SororSuub Pipelines). The expansion also adds a new game mode called extraction.
In addition the expansion gives two new hero characters Greedo, and Nien Nunb, as well as more weapons including the Relby V-10 rifle and DT-12 blaster pistol. Additionally, Outer Rim adds new Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim Star Cards, as well as a level cap increase to 60 and a new Spectator mode.
Outer Rim is Battlefront’s first expansion. Three further add-ons will follow, including Bespin (summer 2016), Death Star (fall 2016), and an untitled expansion coming in early 2017. All are included with the $50 Battlefront DLC pass or can be purchased individually.