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PewDiePie Money Doesn’t Make You Happy

PewDiePie has a deep talk to all of his subscribers after news spread that he made 7 million dollars in 2014. He reminds us that while he makes a lot of money that he enjoys what he is doing and that he does it for the entertainment value. PewDiePie who is criticized constantly by the YouTube community and the internet for how much he makes manages to stay very humble in this video.

This video shows why he was successful and what makes him a really good person. PewDiePie is extremely likable despite what you think of his videos on the grounds that he cares about people and is not hung up over his fame. Many people like to flaunt their fame and care about all of the lights and attention while PewDiePie has always remained very humble. No matter what anyone thinks PewDiePie has still managed to show us that he is a truly humble person who deserves all the fame and money that he has earned. The message that money doesn’t make you happy is one that should resonate with everyone and hopefully his fan ba

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Scott Hartley is a web developer, college student, and the owner of The Arcade Corner. Scott has worked on several sites including The Daily Exposition, and The Arcade Corner. When Scott is not working on websites or studying for classes he is likely reading about various scientific discoveries and experiments.

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