We all like to win stuff especially when its free. We also love to game well the latest contest cooked up by Microsoft is sure to be right up your alley. Microsoft is hosting a giveaway of Xbox One consoles, and custom controllers during this year’s PAX East.
The details were posted on Major Nelson’s website. The bright side is that you can still participate even if you are not attending you still have a chance to win a custom controller and console.
The controllers designs are inspired by Gears of War 4, Quantum Break, Overwatch, and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.
To enter all you have to do is tweet a picture of any custom Xbox One controller with the hashtag #XboxSweepstakes or retweet Xbox’s sweepstakes tweet during the giveaway period. This giveaway will start on April 21st and last until April 24th.
Microsoft will have the controllers at its PAX East Booth, along with playable demos for the games they were inspired by as well as Forza Motorsport 6’s Porsche Expansion and Cuphead.