
User Reviews

For Honor Header Image

For Honor: Lost Connection

Xbox One – 50% or more of the multiplayer games played on Ubisoft’s “For Honor” end up with a lost connection. Great game play with tons of potential, but poorly executed on Ub...

6 Fair
For Honor Header Image

For Honor: Terribly Awful

Incredibly underwhelming. A great idea totally wasted. The online match matching is pretty much unplayable at times due to all the connection issues, plus its doesn’t take skill level into accou...

1 Horrendous
For Honor Screenshot

“For Honor” mode like “\Error Code\”

Error code fucking constantly. What a joke it’s 2017 they’ll release bullshit ornaments instead of fixing there shit servers. Two of the error codes 18&39 involve shutting off your PS4...

3 Bad
For Honor Collectors Edition

For Honor Review

Great game First off, why Ubi. The matchmaking is Peer to Peer, and there are no Dedicated Servers. Really? Not to mention the Matchmaking is the Shittiest Matchmaking I’ve ever seen. I’ve...

5 Average

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